If they knew about the products from you and had the chance to try them, let’s say for example the coffee .. and they like it.. there are many ways for you and them to have the benefits
You buy the coffee with your membership No. In this case you get the PVs
The coffee box has 10 PV to be added to your account. You sell the coffee to your friends or your consumers with the same price you bought which is the member price, let’s say $12 or you can sell it to them with the consumer (retail) price $15
Let’s say 10 Lingzhi coffee boxes x 10 consumers = 100 PV in your own account and this is the minimum PV in order to get your monthly cheque
Let’s say 10 Lingzhi coffee boxes x $15 = $150
If they are sold with the consumer (retail) price
If they are sold with the consumer (retail) price
While let’s say 10 Lingzhi coffee boxes x $12 = $120
If they are sold with the member price
If they are sold with the member price
The difference is $30 in addition to the PVs which are added to your account
This benefit is for you
But how can the consumers benefit too
You can give them your membership No. to buy the coffee or any other product with it under your name. Let’s keep the coffee our example
Let’s say that John buys from you one box of coffee with your membership No. under your name meaning that he pays $12 and he likes the coffee and requested another… Immediately you tell John to buy it for himself on your own membership no. from any DXN office in the world, let’s say Hungary for example, and John can sell it with the consumer price so he can earn the difference between the retail and member price from $12 to $15 ($3 for each box he can sell)
Meaning that John can buy and sell the products and earn from marketing them for his own self for a life time even if he did not join as a member in the company. He will earn the difference between the consumer (retail) price and the member price, on the condition that the price which the company set should not be less than the member price nor more than the retail price because this is against the rules of the company
Can you imagine how many friends you know can market the products and get the benefits while you too can get the same and that is because he is making PV for you … (but you also should not forget to make your own personal purchases and fill your 100 PV) and also he will enjoying the delicious energy coffee which makes him active and removes his depression, stress, muscle pain and makes him feel so comfortable.
And not only John
If John knows a friend would like to sell like John too … so he will get your Membership No. from him and sell for himself and get the benefit like John and you are enjoying all the PVs. The latter know a group of friends … who also would like to benefit the same…
If John knows a friend would like to sell like John too … so he will get your Membership No. from him and sell for himself and get the benefit like John and you are enjoying all the PVs. The latter know a group of friends … who also would like to benefit the same…
Later .. John and his friends may become members in your network ..
Think of it..
Isn’t the marketing idea so simple, beneficial and fruitful for all
Don’t forget that .. we have the best high quality of products with very special distinguishing effect which can make any person happy and living without problem or pains
Wishing you the best of luck
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